


Consulting Opportunities


    We use principles from multiple domains (biological science, behavioral science, spirituality) to help companies survive, thrive, and do good in the world. Our approach goes beyond superficial, quick-fixes to target deep, systemic issues that underlie stagnation and dysfunction. We aim to empower employees, from the top to bottom, to effect change.


    We help with messaging and behavior change using the best strategies from behavioral science. We work with companies who have a strong alliance with our values, mission, and goals.


    We work with individuals and groups that seek to reduce social and political polarization, ignite compassion, and take pragmatic steps towards positive change.

tHE MIDDLE WAY facilitates Difficult conversations.

We use the principles of behavioral science to help teams communicate consciously and compassionately.

DEI done Differently:

The Middle Way recognizes that sometimes, the outcomes of DEI programs can be unintentionally counterproductive; while the underlying motivation is virtuous (i.e., to create more compassion), the mechanisms may in fact drive more confusion, separation, or uneasiness. Our approach focuses on what we share in common, first, while still acknowledging and celebrating our differences. Instead of working to change people’s minds (e.g. through altering beliefs or language), we aim to open people’s hearts (i.e., by connecting with our common humanity).

BRING YOUR TEAM closer together

Drop Us a Line

Curious if we’re a good fit? Send us a message with what you’re looking for. We’ll let you know if we think we can meet your needs.